Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bald Head Island, NC

Hi all! Greetings from Cape Fear, where the only things to fear are heat rash and poison ivy (which I have both, so I'm okay to relax now). John and I are down here at his family's beach house for the week. It has been great so far! We had about 10 friends join us last weekend and are now quietly enjoying the ability to work remotely. I thought I'd take a break to share some pictures from the past couple of days.
This is the house that John's grandfather built in the early '80s. It was one of the original houses on the island, and still maintains that character today.
When at BHI, we spend a lot of time fishing the creek with a cast net, and then using those fish to catch bigger ones in the ocean. John had major success pulling up bait fish yesterday! Then, he caught a 4 foot shark...but he was a fighter, and bit the line before we could bring him out of the surf and onto the beach. Wish me luck! Speaking of sharks, if you dig in the sand next to the driveway, you can find tons of shark's teeth! Here's John organizing his most rececnt finds.
I get excited by all of the animal sightings (crabs, dolphins, shrimp, clams, egrets, deer, aligators, foxes, and spoiled dogs), but this one was too crazy. This little raccoon decided that he could come in the porch since the screen is out. We shooed him off, but he put his little paws back up on the door to make sure we didn't want to visit. We didn't...but he was pretty cute!
I just love being here and hope one day you can all join us for a trip. I know there are some in this family who keep a place in their hearts for NC beaches. :) I'm with you!
love to you all,