Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Texas Llewellyns

Hello Ijams Family blog,

The Texas Llewellyns miss you all. We had a nice Christmas Day; however, it really did not feel much like Christmas. The day was quiet and relaxing and we constantly were asking each other what we thought the families were doing. I think we have received updates from everyone. Next year, Cobbie and I are willing to host Christmas in Austin....Ha Ha!!!

Tomorrow, it is back to work for me and Cobbie's first day on her own with Katie. Both Cobbie and Katie are doing well. Cobbie has recovered quickly from her surgery (c-section) and Katie just keeps growing! Truly amazing experience...no sleep... but amazing. I will attempt to post a few more pictures from today.

This week is our wedding anniversary (29th). With Katie's Birthday, Christmas, Property Taxes, Anniversary and New Year's Eve, I am starting to think we have overloaded December. This anniversary will be celebrated at home with Katie and Taylor.

We wish you all a great week and hope to see you all in February. Take Care and Love from,

Charles, Cobbie, Katie, and Taylor... The Texas Llewellyns


Anonymous said...

What a great update! I'm so glad you guys were able to post with my hodge-podge instructions.

Katie is precious and Cobbie looks great! Keep 'em coming...

Anonymous said...

What a darling picture. I won't tell you who I think is the cutest! We wished for all of you, too. I think Austin is a great Christmas option. I'll bring G'mamas china and Bob can smoke the tenderloins on your grill! Sounds like a plan to me. I am off to spend New Years in Hilton Head with Colette and Terry (my fun grey headed dancing friend from Charlotte who came to Kristina's wedding). It promises to be a fun time. Give Katie a big kiss for me.

Anonymous said...

The Memphis Llewellyns think this is a great picture. Keep them coming!!!