Thursday, February 28, 2008

Me in Monterey

Hi everyone! It has been a whirlwind past couple of weeks. I'm so glad that the flu loosened its hold on me (although I'm sad it has Mom now!). I needed the steam as I headed to Monterey for a store opening. Here is a look back at my trip...
Beautiful flight over the Rockies. It was hard to think of the beach with all that lovely snow!
There was a ribbon cutting to officially mark the opening. We had our most successful first week ever, but--wow--was it a mad house.
So I took some time to check out the Pacific. Here I am outside the aquarium. There were otters swimming all around the rocks, playing with the seaweed and being their adorable selves.

Inside, I saw all kinds of amazing swimmers. These jellyfish with seaweed-ish feet (not the biologically correct description) were so neat. I loved the "jellyfish as art" exhibit the most. Unfortunately, I had a meeting to get to, so I ran through the whole thing. Fortunately, I had about fifteen minutes to spare at the end... I sat and watched this for awhile...

...and then went back for more jellies. It was such fun, although it certainly put Linda, Squirt, Beowulf, Mayweather, and Grublet to shame.

Speaking of fun, I can't wait for Kathy and Justin to arrive tomorrow! We'll document the visit well, except the part where Kathy falls on her first day skiing. Love to you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great pics and videos, Lex. I am impressed that you loaded the videos up on this too...not to mention how beautiful the fish and jellies are! The store opening looked fantastic. Thanks for sharing this.