Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One year older...

Hi Ijams family! I just wanted to send my thanks for all of your well wishes on my birthday. I had a wonderful day...opened presents (weee!), went to a fabulous French restaurant for dinner, went to the theater for a movie screening, and felt generally good and spoiled.

John has a tradition where he always lists reasons why my new age is so great (I actually rhyme with great now!). Some of my favorites for this year included:
*It takes 28 years for Saturn to orbit the sun. I am only 1 year old on Saturn!
*28 is considered the second perfect number in math and the fourth magic number in physics.
*There are usually 28 days in my birthday month, but not this year.
* I have 28 teeth since my wisdom teeth were removed.
*Calendars follow a 28 year cycle, so this year has the same calendar as my birth year. I was born on a Tuesday.
*28 is the sum of the first five prime numbers.

Wohoo! This is going to be another wonderful year...

Love to all, Lex

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