Monday, January 28, 2008

One Fish, Dead Fish, New Fish, Cute Fish

Hi everyone! I'm glad to hear that the trip to Austin was fun...Kristina and I were saying just last night that we needed more Katie pictures. She is adorable. Kathy, you are cute too. I can't believe what great seats you had for the game...awesome! John and I had an exciting sports experience this weekend--his fraternity brother went into Saturday of the Buick Open golf tournament in second place, meaning he played the whole day with Tiger. We felt famous, but it's not near as cool as celebrity sweat.

In other, not so fun news, we lost a fish last week. Mr. T was not only pretty, but also pretty awesome. As John said during the burial (which took place long distance while he was in New York), "Mr. T ate a lot and laughed often." I sent him to fish heaven in our compost pile, topped with flowers from my surgery.

To avoid being too lonely, we made a trip to the aquarium store when John got back home. We picked out three new guppies, all with big flamboyant tails. Their names are (left to right) Mayweather, Beowulf, and Grublet. They are fitting in pretty well with Squirt and Linda.

I know, pretty boring post, huh. Well, I've been mostly bedridden for January. I'm back on my feet, about to ride my bike to work, and feeling much better. I am looking forward to something exciting happening soon. Keep the updates coming!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mayweather, Beowulf, and Grublet are gorgeous! I am so sad to hear that Mr. T bit the dust...I remember him fondly. Sounds like you are on the rebound. That is good news.