Monday, October 20, 2008

Curb Appeal with Lexi S.

Hi everyone!
We have FINALLY finished putting the final touches on our house. Well, there are a few more things we need to do :) but overall, we've made major progress on the porch and general look of the place. Here's a before and after so you can see the dramatic makeover...

This was our house when we first bought it. Yes, that's lime green and teal accents! It seems like a really long time ago when we ripped out that gate. And that bush up front.
And then...
Here she is now! John and his cousin did the major work on the porch, with other friends (myself included) helping with all the steps along the way. Our neighbors all love the blue--which is great because we took a little risk there. They actually wave at us now!

Looks like an inviting place for a visit huh? Hope to have you all here at some point soon.
Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

I love the house. It looks so much better. Kudos to John and you for all of your hard work. The before and after is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful place to come and stay (and bring a boyfriend) for the winter skiing season! Yea! Congratulations! Y'all did a great job!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love it! I think you need a couple of rocking chairs a la Grove Park Inn and/or Cracker Barrel and the porch will be complete! Y'all have come a long way. John is a master craftsman - impressive. :) Kristina