Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Modeling. It's my life.

Hi Family!
Greetings from Boulder, where fall is in full swing. We were wondering if it was ever going to come, but from the look of the bright yellow Aspen trees and the ski pass that just came in the mail, I think it's safe to say this is it!

John and I (and Olive) are doing great. Our kickball team took the regular season championship last night and we are having our house painted starting this afternoon. I can't wait to see what it looks like with modern day colors--not lime green and teal!

Last week, I took part in a photo shoot for our company since we've started using real people for our marketing materials. That's right. I modeled. Some of the pictures came out pretty good, but it's kind of cheesy that I'm not smiling in them. It will be really strange if they go on posters in our store windows from here to Seattle, LA, Santa Fe and beyond! Have a look...

Outside a barn door, wondering why I didn't brush my hair.

Pretending to drink hot tea, and be cold (it was 85!).
My first beret!

My new friend Lightening. There was also a horse named Memphis, but I look super nervous in all those pictures...
Pretty crazy huh? Leave it to me to try something new, although I'm definitely not planning to make a career out of this!
I just bought my ticket home for the holidays yesterday, so I am already looking forward to seeing you in December. Until then, send more updates...
Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

You are such a great model! I love these pictures. I am disappointed that you couldn't smile in the first one. That would have been my favorite. I think I love the one with your cap and gloves on the most. I have already copied and saved them to look at over and over again. You will have to get me a poster when they get super sized!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

You look glamorous/beautiful/revitalized/fragant. Right? Right! :)Kris