Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween Goblins

What do you get when you mix two penguins, two dinosaurs, a chicken, and a doctor together? Our Halloween play group! Check out our little ghouls all dressed up for their first Halloween. Left to right (Nellie Keras, Drew, Alex Wunderlich, Virginia Phillips, Harper Behnke, Jane Keras). They only lasted about 5 minutes in their costumes, but we have the pics to last a life time.

Drew and his "chick."
Way cuter than Barney!
The two dinos. Look at those faces! I have a feeling they'll be getting away with lots over the next few years.

Boo! Kristina


Anonymous said...

DREW! The only scary thing about that costume is how cute he looks in it. I want to gobble up that little goblin. Love the "chick" and the "Land Before Time" scene. Thanks for posting for your long-lost aunt!
Love, Lex

Anonymous said...

These goblins are the cutest ones I saw all night! And I had lots of cuties come by on Halloween this year. But Dino Drew was the most precious! Love the pictures!