Monday, December 8, 2008


Hi everyone,
I hope you've heard the good news by now...John asked me to marry him yesterday! (I said yes.) We were on a backcountry hiking trip near Breckenridge, CO when he popped the question. We've got lots of pictures to share, but a couple for now include:

Just after sharing the news with friends (I think you can see my legs and his hands are shaking!).
The ring that John's grandfather, John Powers, gave to his grandmother, Martha, when he proposed.
Us snowboarding just before he asked me--I'm clueless, he's nervous.It was such an amazing weekend! I'm still too excited to think straight, but I can't wait to share more details and welcome John into our family.
Lots of love to all,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pics. I can't get enough of them. I am thrilled for you both, and can't wait to celebrate together. What an awesome couple! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

And, by the way, your ring is GORGEOUS! Mom