Monday, January 28, 2008

One Fish, Dead Fish, New Fish, Cute Fish

Hi everyone! I'm glad to hear that the trip to Austin was fun...Kristina and I were saying just last night that we needed more Katie pictures. She is adorable. Kathy, you are cute too. I can't believe what great seats you had for the game...awesome! John and I had an exciting sports experience this weekend--his fraternity brother went into Saturday of the Buick Open golf tournament in second place, meaning he played the whole day with Tiger. We felt famous, but it's not near as cool as celebrity sweat.

In other, not so fun news, we lost a fish last week. Mr. T was not only pretty, but also pretty awesome. As John said during the burial (which took place long distance while he was in New York), "Mr. T ate a lot and laughed often." I sent him to fish heaven in our compost pile, topped with flowers from my surgery.

To avoid being too lonely, we made a trip to the aquarium store when John got back home. We picked out three new guppies, all with big flamboyant tails. Their names are (left to right) Mayweather, Beowulf, and Grublet. They are fitting in pretty well with Squirt and Linda.

I know, pretty boring post, huh. Well, I've been mostly bedridden for January. I'm back on my feet, about to ride my bike to work, and feeling much better. I am looking forward to something exciting happening soon. Keep the updates coming!



Sunday, January 27, 2008

Austin and the Grizzlies

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share a few more pics from my adventures in January! Justin and I had a great time visiting Charles, Cobbie, and Little Katie early in the month. We made the rounds at Hula Hut and downtown Austin while getting to spend some time with my new niece! She is quite a cutie...

I didn't know I was so boring...she was out like a light!

Last week we headed out in the cold to see our favorite Grizzlies take on LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. We had fantastic seats (compliments of the Cates) and really enjoyed getting drenched in sweat on the sidelines (I contemplated not showering, but much to Justin's relief, I went against the idea!).

Hope all is well with all of you! Make sure you tune in Thursday night (Jan. 31st) for the season premiere of is addictive!

Stay warm and healthy and I hope to see you all soon!

Love, Cousin K

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Hyde's Bay Area Baby Moon

Hi family!

Just wanted to try out the blog. Despite stomach flu, travel delays, and pregnancy growing pains, Drew and I had an awesome trip to Carmel/Big Sur, Napa Valley, and San Francisco. It is so hard being back in the "real world." Fortunately, we have something to look forward to! Hope that you are all having a happy 2008!

To the Texas Llewellyns and Colorado Speros - we love and miss you!



Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nice Outfit...and Nose Plugs!

Hi everyone! This was me post-surgery, pre-feeling better. I'm really recovering nicely, especially since I can sleep on my stomach again! I've gone from green to pink and from shuffling to big girl steps (as John calls them), thanks to some great nursing. Mom got on the bus and is probably in the sky as I type. She was so (so, so, so) helpful with keeping my spirits high. Thank you for all the thoughts and flowers. I taught Mom how to post, so hopefully she can add some of her pictures soon.
Lots of love, Lexi

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update on the Patient

Hi everybody! Alexis and I are in an internet cafe to get her out of her confinement. It is not going to last long. She needs to take it easy still. She has taught me how to BLOG. It is a beautiful day skies, lots of sunshine, and cold. The snow is deep on the mountains, but none on the streets here in Boulder. Thinking of you all.
Carolyn and Alexis

Fun in Memphis a la Cousin K!

Hey Everyone and Happy 2008!
I have managed to figure out how to download my pics from my camera now, so I thought I would tackle the Blog (da da da dum...)!! I am actually sitting at home on an unexpected morning off from work, and I thought I would try to get some of our holiday pics up for you to see.
(<-- Lulu with her new Christmas toy)

Justin and I started the holidays with a visit from John, a friend of Justin's from work who lives in West Virginia. We had a great time showing him the town with trips to Huey's, the Forum for a Grizzlies game, Raiford's Night Club (a first for me too), and down to Tunica where John was the big winner. The picture is outside the Grand Casino before Justin and I both lost our money (all smiles)!!

Ahh...Christmas Day!! A great time with fantastic food, wonderful company, and extremely full bellies! We all missed Charles, Cobbie, Katie, Alexis and John.

The Friday after Christmas, Justin and I took off for Pensacola Beach for three days of football, movies, naps, seafood, and fun. It was a much-needed break from the craziness at work! I think the Lohmans think I have narcolepsy (I was always dozing off....hmm...I wonder where I get that?)

We did manage to get out and spent New Year's Eve at Maguire's, an Irish pub specializing in steak and their own signature beer. There is said to be about 500,000 one dollar bills plastered all over the ceiling and walls of this bar (making April's tax season pretty grim). We did our part by adding a bill (can we write that off?)!

OK, I'm exhausted from blogging so I am going to wrap it up for now. We are continuing the traveling this weekend and heading to Austin to see Charlos, Cobbie, and little Katie...more pics to come!

All the Best!
Love, Kathy

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Whew! We made it. This was such a fun holiday season...I'm in complete denial about going back to work in an hour. So, here's a look back at a few great memories from the final days of 2007:

Santa or Smoky the Bear?'s John in the bear hat post-sled!

We spent three days up in the mountains snowboarding at Keystone and Breckenridge. Here are some of our tracks through unreal fresh powder! Needless to say, I got stuck a lot and several pant-fulls of snow, but it was just fabulous.

For NYE, we had a Clue Year's Eve party at our house. I was Mrs. Peacock and John was Wadsworth/Mr. Boddy. Some people even rented and made was great.

What angelic young lady could have made such a lovely snow angel?

Atop of ole Sleigh Hill...all covered in snow. This was Christmas morning at the park next to our house. Dad and Vicki were launching down the slope right along with the rest of us. We always laugh that my friend calls this sleigh hill rather than sled hill, since--as you can see--there are very few reindeer present.

Present city! I'm spirited out!!! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays too. I miss you.

Lots of love~Colorado Speros