Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Divine Design with KathyLlew

So I have a few more pics to share...

As you know, I have been working on decorating(with the help of wonderful Betty Stegall) the second bedroom of my house (along with the living room, dining room, bathrooms, master, and kitchen -haha!) since I bought the place almost two years ago!! I am happy to announce that the second bedroom is officially a bedroom now, and not simply my dumping ground!!
I thought you would like to see a "before pic"...please notice two furry friends on the far left...

And the "after pic"...with again, the furry friend center right...some things never change!!

It's been fun to decorate something from the bare essentials and feel like it's really me...And don't worry, I have had plenty of lip from Momma Lola about the brown lamp shade and I'm happy to pronounce that it stays (poor light and all)!!
There are a few more accessories to purchase, along with a ceiling fan and rug, but I am loving the results!!
Now, for all or you with more exciting news than me (i.e. new members of the family), let's get to posting! I know you guys have cuter pictures than those of my beds!
Love to all,
Cousin K


Anonymous said...

Look at it! I love what you've done to the place Cousin K. Your beds are WAY more adorable than anything in our house, but I intend to post again soon. Your mom asked me a question about the blog, and I ended up finding the post I started and then "lost." Check it out...further down the page. You ski! Decorator, skier, cat lover...is there anything you can't do?
Love, Lex

Anonymous said...

Kathy..I LOVE what you have done with this room. I remember these beds, and they have never looked better! Way to go. Thanks for sharing.