Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Drew V

Baby Drew is going to be a month old on Friday! He loves strolling around the neighborhood and bumping into relatives, chillin' in his swing, getting his hair washed under the faucet (the only way it will stay down), cuddling, pushing up on mom and dad's chest (and headbutting us), eating followed by burping/passing gas/pooping, sleeping anywhere but his crib, and peeing while his diaper is off.

That's about all we've accomplished so far, but I think he is making great strides. Hopefully, we will get out of the house today since the weather is a bit warmer. Mom could use some fresh air and a change of scenery!

Hope everyone is doing well.


1 comment:

ijams said...

Sooo cute Kristina!! Come by Mimosa on your walks sometime if you can!!