Thursday, May 8, 2008

Memphis in May

Hello everyone! It's almost been a week since I've returned from the whirlwind weekend home, and I'm still trying to take it all in. :) John and I both had so much fun seeing friends and family. We loved meeting the newest addition...he is too precious. When we arrived, Mom and the Hydes met us for dinner at Jarretts. We closed the place down!

On Saturday, we enjoyed a big day at the Redbirds game. Baby's first win!
Then, it was off to our 10 year reunion at the Grove Grill. It was so fun seeing everyone again. No one has changed (unless for the better). Lots of them girlfriends have hubbies, bellies, or babies though! Kudos to Kath for planning such a fun night. :oSunday, we spent some quality time together...including a poop on Mom's pants.
To close this entry, I have to end with a video of baby Drew showing off his most amazing talent. No, it's not pooping. Push play to see the little black belt do his karate!

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