Saturday, May 24, 2008

Have a Magical Day!!

Hello Family! Hope you all are having a magical Memorial Day weekend! Justin and I just returned from Orlando, Florida, where we were able to relax, see Mickey's Kingdom, and visit with the Llewellyn family before I started a 5 day nurse practitioner conference! We had a great time...despite the fact that at 8am Saturday morning while checking in for our flight, I realized that I did not have my driver's license...ugh! You won't believe this, but I was able to check in and get on my flight using my Rhodes College I.D. - the picture on which is 10 years old!! No wonder the airlines have security issues...

After being the lucky one chosen for the security pat-down and making the 2 hour flight, we spent our first day lounging by the resort pool, drinking fruity drinks and catching the rays...the highlight of the afternoon was looking down and seeing a little cutie's poop sitting on the side of the pool. We did not swim...all week. Later that evening we ventured down to "Downtown Disney" for dinner and entertainment.

This is a picture of the Coronado Springs resort where the NP conference was being held...great was huge and not a single room was empty!

Sunday, Mother's Day, Justin and I rented a car and drove about 2 hours to Hudson, Florida, to see Grandmama Llewellyn, Uncle John and Aunt Elaine... Grandmama didn't know we were coming so it was a wonderful Mother's Day surprise...we ate lunch/dinner at a great steakhouse and enjoyed catching up with the Llewellyn family.

Monday, Justin and I headed over to the Magic Kingdom to leave our mark on Space Mountain (which we rode three times - would have been four except for me eating a Mickey Ice Cream bar and getting car sick - isn't that just the coolest). We had a great embarrassing pics with Mickey, although we had a blast watching all the little girls who were able to get Princess-makeovers at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique...a conquest that Justin and I estimated to run about $200 a pop.

After a whirlwind three days, Justin headed back to Memphis and I stayed on for the conference. Four friends of mine from Vandy came down for the conference and we were able to do some stupid stuff like this:

Friday night we celebrated my friend Beth's 29th birthday with a dinner out at another Disney resort. This is Jenn (works at Vandy Student Health now), Monique (a NP in seminary in California), Beth (birthday girl hoping to move to Knoxville), Erin (marathoner extraordinaire), and me at a restaurant called Spoodles (everything in Disney has a name like this).

So that's all folks! It really was a fun week in Florida...Please keep the pdates coming...Charlos...I think we are all ready for pics of Katie Cobb's adventures in solid foods!!

Next up...Sunset Beach!! Yahoo!

Cousin K

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