Monday, July 28, 2008

Growing Up So Fast!

Hi family!

Just thought I'd post a couple of cute pics of Drew eating rice cereal. He loves the stuff! I can't believe he is such a big boy now (4 months and 2 weeks old!). It has been a rough couple of nights, as we are "Ferberizing" him in an attempt to get him sleeping through the night. Thank heaven for ear plugs and sound machines! Hope everyone is doing well, and Kathy thank you for posting the baptism video. Sorry it was such a pain, but I know the out-of-towners will really enjoy it. Also I'm including a pic from Drew's little play group - check them all out tandem, naked, skydiving! Drew's the one looking at the camera.

Have a happy week! Kristina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pics! You were almost in trouble for not posting in so long...but crisis averted. And well done too. You weren't lying about the mess he makes with his soft food. That must be half the fun! I also love the play group skydive. Those little bums, I swear.

Thanks for the updates. Now I just wonder if Katie is that cute...
Love to all, Lex