Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Taco Tuesday

Just wanted everyone to know that we are holding down the forts here in Memphis while all the ladies have jaunted off to Asheville, North Carolina. We may make Taco Tuesday a somewhat regular occurrence(you are all invited, of course)...not only was it festive for an otherwise humdrum Tuesday, but it was dang delicious as well (please notice that the plates are empty and the bellies are full). We also dined in style on Grandmama Llewellyn's dining room table...shipped directly from Florida to Mimosa with a brief layover under a lovely carport on Oakley. The other great news is that I finally have dining room chairs...novel idea huh?

Despite what your thinking, no margaritas tonight....

Safe travels to all...

Love, Kathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' the idea of taco Tuesday! Maybe it should come after margarita Monday? Love the update Cousin K.