Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The word is out...

Hey Ijams Family,

Well the word is out and I am so excited to let you all know that we are moving back to the South! While it is not Tennessee, we are moving to Birmingham, only 3.5 hours away from Memphis. Our house was on the market for 8 days before we received an offer. Tomorrow is the inspection and we have our fingers crossed that all will go ok.

The plan for now is to move into an apartment in Birmingham until our home in Austin closes. While this was a difficult decision, everything is pointing us forward. It is all almost too perfect. We are so excited to get closer to you all. This means holidays and visits will be much easier and you all will get to see Katie grow up. It is going by so fast already.

Keep us in your prayers next week as we pack up essentials and tow our car to Birmingham!

Charles and the "former" Texas Llewellyns


Anonymous said...

8 days!! That is totally amazing! I am so excited that you all will be closer. Lola and I plan to bring G'mama to Birmingham often. It will so great to be nearer to you all...and especially Baby Katie!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know this is such an exciting time for you guys. I am so hopeful that I'll get to see you, Cobbie, and meet Katie (finally!) over the holidays. Good luck with the inspection and move!
Lots of love,