Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ready to go to B'ham with Charles!!

Sorry guys...just thought she was cute. Free shipping is available...any takers?
Love, Kathy

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The word is out...

Hey Ijams Family,

Well the word is out and I am so excited to let you all know that we are moving back to the South! While it is not Tennessee, we are moving to Birmingham, only 3.5 hours away from Memphis. Our house was on the market for 8 days before we received an offer. Tomorrow is the inspection and we have our fingers crossed that all will go ok.

The plan for now is to move into an apartment in Birmingham until our home in Austin closes. While this was a difficult decision, everything is pointing us forward. It is all almost too perfect. We are so excited to get closer to you all. This means holidays and visits will be much easier and you all will get to see Katie grow up. It is going by so fast already.

Keep us in your prayers next week as we pack up essentials and tow our car to Birmingham!

Charles and the "former" Texas Llewellyns

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Recent Activity

Hi guys! Hope you are all well if not wonderful. I am both...winding down a bit after a busy summer. I'm sending along a few photos since I got in trouble by Mama Speros for not sharing pictures that were on my Facebook page. Oops! I've added a couple here that aren't on there so you're getting exclusives. :)

This is John and I with our new temporary addition. Olive! She is a silky and smooth 9 year old black lab officially belonging to John's sister, Beth. Since she's in a band (pretty famous these days!), we're taking care of Olive while Beth tours in Europe.
I've been playing fiddle a good bit lately. It's so fun, and less squeaky all the time. I've got another lesson tonight, so start planning the extravaganza! (And yes, that's my blanket making sure my wrists don't bend.)
This rainbow (or should I say rainbows?) was just beautiful the other day. I wondered if it was also delicious. Verdict: yes!
Probably also delicious, and definitely as beautiful, was this elk. We saw him last weekend when driving through Rocky Mountain National Park. He had lots of ladies around him...and no wonder! What a stud.
Finally, our casa! I thought about posting a "before" image of our house pre-porch, but am waiting until the project and painting are fully done. We have finsihed the majority of it after completing the railing this past weekend. At this point, just bead board on the ceiling, steps leading up to it, a wrap on the roof post, and a trap door for the hose remain. Whoo! It's been quite the undertaking, but it is a huge improvement. Note John taking pride in his work and Olive monitoring from the shadows in the yard...
It's been great getting updates from everyone lately. Charles, you are out of trouble too! Way to go. Love you all lots,

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hello From Austin

Hello Ijams Family Blog,

The Texas Llewellyns have been out of touch lately. It has been hot and busy in TX. Katie is fantastic and continues to grow like a weed. She is not crawling yet, but is well on her way.

Over the 4th of July holiday, we spent a week in Rosemary beach soaking up the sun and playing with Katie in the sand.

August is a big month for the Texas Llewellyns... stay tune for more reports and changes to our life in the next few days.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Asheville in August

What a great respite we had from the heat in Memphis when we journeyed to Asheville this past week! G'mama was a good traveler...chatting away in the back seat on our trip up and back.
One of the highlights of the trip was a trip to Lake Powatan where our grandfather took the "kids" during the summer. This was their beach and favorite campground. G'mama, Katherine, and Mildred were really thrilled to see the place after all of these years.
We had a wonderful time at Lake Lure with Uncle Booty, Mildred, Katherine, and Teresa. The view of Chimney Rock and the Smokies from Booty's back window is breathtaking. The brother and sisters sang old favorites as Mildred rocked out on the piano.
On our last day, Lola and I ventured off to Merri-Mac to check out the old camp ground. We are pleased to report that the camp looked active and thriving...although none of the campers appeared to be as cool as Kristina, Alexis, and Kathy.
It was a great trip, filled with thoughts of all of the great family memories that we have of being together in the mountains. I know that all of us agree that Asheville holds a special place in our hearts.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Taco Tuesday

Just wanted everyone to know that we are holding down the forts here in Memphis while all the ladies have jaunted off to Asheville, North Carolina. We may make Taco Tuesday a somewhat regular occurrence(you are all invited, of course)...not only was it festive for an otherwise humdrum Tuesday, but it was dang delicious as well (please notice that the plates are empty and the bellies are full). We also dined in style on Grandmama Llewellyn's dining room table...shipped directly from Florida to Mimosa with a brief layover under a lovely carport on Oakley. The other great news is that I finally have dining room chairs...novel idea huh?

Despite what your thinking, no margaritas tonight....

Safe travels to all...

Love, Kathy